I've always wanted to sew a quiet book, but never wanted to invest the long, tedious hours it takes to make one. However, the ladies at church expressed an interest in making them for next big sewing project. We decided to meet once a month and work on two activity pages at a time.
To prepare for our first class, I sewed the mock up quiet book you see here, compiled a 13-page list of instructions and patterns (available for free download below), and purchased all the materials needed for a "Quiet Book Kit". I decided that we would have a better turn out if we made ready-made kits available for purchase. Not to mention it saves on cost. I admit that making the kits was a ton of work, but well worth it... I know that making them available lowered the intimidation factor for the ladies, and we did have a better turnout as a result. Fortunately, with Memorial Day sales and Joann's coupons, I was able to keep the kits under $10.
We met for the first time last night and everyone was able to complete the first two pages in about two hours. Last night my home was buzzing with 10 women and their sewing machines. We had so much fun!
Here are the 12 pages :
"Snap Me on My Shapes" and "Feely Fingers"

Compiled, written and illustrated by me. Feel free to make as many quiet books for personal use or to sell, but please do not sell the actual pattern. It is intended for use by everyone free of charge. Thank you!
Click here to download Quiet Book pattern (this will open the pdf through google docs... click "file" in the top left corner for the option to download or print)
Click here to download Quiet Book pattern (this will open the pdf through google docs... click "file" in the top left corner for the option to download or print)
♥ Happy Sewing! ♥
So cute! Do you have any extra kits that you would like to sell?
Annette V.
My mom made the same books for me and my siblings growing up, and has made one for Ethne too. The activities in mine are almost identical to yours, and mine was made 25 years ago. These quiet books are awesome. All the other moms will be jealous of you.
You are fantastic. I have played around with inventing a pattern, but why re-invent the wheel? I might change the "girlie" stuff to something sports related maybe.
So fun!! My mom made me one a MILLION years ago, and some of the pages are the same. When my kids were little, I replicated a few of them for theirs. It is so wonderful to see it here as well. What a wonderful thing!!
I can't wait to make one too. I have so many projects though. I will do one I love it. You are just too creative.
Thank you thank you! I wanted to make one as a gift, but many of the patterns I found did not have my favorite pages from when I was a kid. Thank you for including so many good pages!
Too cute!! I love it!
Bonjour !
first time i come across your blog, so im gonan visit it now :)
well if you wanna be inspired by my collage or just dream, come and visit my blog :)
a bientot!
Boubouteatime xx
This is wonderful!! I've been wanting to make these forever, too!
I have been looking for a pattern like this for a long time. We had a few of these growing up to use during church and we loved them. Your pattern is so cute. Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you for sharing! I think I'll start making this now a few pages at a time and either give it to a friend with kids or by the time I finish I'll probably have kids! Lol Thanks so much!
Thanks! this is the best!
I found your blog googling for a quiet book pattern. What a fantastic find! I'm loving just looking at your blog, let alone the amazing resource it is. You are one talented woman! Hope you don't mind me peeking in and again.
Portland, Oregon
Thank you! Thank you! Your hard work and time is so appreciated!
I am so glad I found your blog and instructions! Thank you! Thank you SO MUCH! I just did a post on my (nearly) completed pages and you will recognize many of the pages!
Come see it!
I have had the templates printed for quite sometime (found the instructions at How to by Anne Fowler) and then visiting Jill's blog found the link for the pictures.
I'm very excited and full of ideas, can't wait to get started.
Those lady bug buttons are so cute on the flowers!
this is lovely!
I have included it in my Christmas Gifts To Sew round up
That is super duper cute!
Is there a way to download the file without going through Scribd?
Hi paws, I'd be happy to email the pdf file to you directly if you like. You can email me at modestmaven [at] gmail [dot] com
I would love to have the pdf instructions. I'm attempting to make one of these for my toddler. If you could email it to me I would really appreciate it. Thank you. Oh and ps I love your blog.
Hi Shannon, I'd be happy to email you the quiet book file. Send me a quick email at modestmaven [at] gmail [dot] com and I will respond with the pdf. Thanks!
So cute! I just had my baby girl and would love to make a quiet book for her. Can you sentd me the file?
This will be perfect for church! I will definitely be making one!
I've wanted to do a quiet book for 10 years. I'm done having babies and my youngest is 2. I'm hoping to make one for him. I would love it if you could email me the pattern. You are so generous. My email is juliemooney1975@yahoo.com Thank you so much. Julie Mooney
I love your quiet book. I have been looking at a few different ones and really love your cover and binding. Can you email me instructions on how you did your book. Thank you. sarac_2@hotmail.com
I am new to sewing and made my 2nd born a quilt. We saw someone today with that Lullaby and goodnight quiet book and my 18month old loved it. So I want to personalize one for him and your pattern is the BEST I have come across. You are awesome. Thanks :)
So cute! I'm currently trying to compile everything that I want to put into a quiet book. It looks like you covered a binder to put it in? How did you do this? Please let me know how you did the cover. Thanks a bunch! And great job with putting this together! Email me at aerorox23(at)yahoo(dot)com
I want to thank your for your generosity in sharing this pattern. That is too kind of you. There are some good people out there! Thanks again!
I just found your site while surfing. Thank you so much for the pattern and directions. I have two young great granddaughters will love having one of these. It is very sweet of you to share. Thanks.
What did you use for the telephone cord? By the way, so, so cute!
wow - had never heard of this called a "quiet book" - i believe we called them activity books in my day (quite the opposite feeling) - anyway, now i've got a little girl of my own & had the idea to make her one and was looking for pattern inspiration - totally found it here - thanks so much!!!
ps love your adult designs too
wow this is gorgeous. thanks for being so generous with the free pattern.
Terima kasih.
thank you for your free patern. You and these quite book are awesome :)
I would love to have this pdf, but the document unable to retrieve.
Thank you SO MUCH for posting this with not only detailed instructions but a supply list to?! You are an angel sent down from crafting heaven. I hope to be able to tackle this in the coming weeks. Again, THANK YOU!
Are you selling the kits? I'd love to buy one or two...ha!
This is awesome thank you for posting. What material do you use for the actual pages? Is it canvas?
I just use cotton inexpensive white cotton muslin for the pages :)
Thank you! I've made these over the years, after copying some pages from my aunt's book, more than 40 years ago! I too have modified some, added ideas, as I got tired of making the same ones over and over. Now, I just needed the incentive to get back to making books, and the thought of starting over drawing all my own patterns was a little overwhelming. Your pages give me the boost I needed!
I made a quiet book from a Vogue pattern for my son a long time ago. It was a fiddly pattern , expensive to assemble, and took hours, but he loved it - so , worth it all. I have been collecting page ideas but your overall design is the best I have seen. I will include some Shabbat and other Jewish holiday pages for my Jewish recipients and Christian holiday pages for my Christian recipients and I want to include a 4th of July pattern in every book.
I made a Quiet Book when my children were young. When I started, I envisioned making one for every child. By the time I finished the ONE, I wrote on the front pocket, "I hope this keeps you as busy as it has me!" Now I'm collecting ideas to make THREE of them for my grandchildren. CjR
O, how generous of you to offer this quiet book pattern for free. I have been wanting to make one of these for my grandchildren, as I enjoyed a quiet book as a toddler myself. I love the fact that you incorporated activities in you quiet book as well.
Great gift idea, if I start now I can make a couple for Chirstmas - thank you so much!
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