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My baby turned one year old last week! We had a small family party at our new home, and I made Tess a new dress, a party hat, and a name banner for the occasion. And of course cake. I hate making cakes. Love to eat them; hate to make them. My
sister is an amazing cake decorator, but she lives 2,000 miles away (boooooo!!!). However, I am very grateful to have her as my personal 24-hour cake-help hotline. That's my sisterly right :) Thanks, Janell!
This must be my reward for wearing this stupid hat.
What the??? Get that camera out of my face so I can eat my cake in peace!
Sticking my tongue out helps me balance.
♥ Happy birthday, baby girl! I love you very much, but don't expect me to make you a cake every year... being cute can only get you so far. ♥