Sunday, April 19, 2009

New Dress - Stella Noir

Pin It Now! My dear friend Janna gave me a blackapple stetchbook for Christmas, so I've been using it to stetch out my ideas. I have quite a few other designs on the cutting table, but it's hard to find time to create new things. If it weren't for my stetchbook, I know I'd forget half my ideas. Thanks, Janna for such an extremely practical gift!

Here is a design I've been sitting on for a while and finally got around to sewing. I call it the Stella Noir Dress, and it is now available for purchase from my etsy shop. I wore it to church today with some aqua blue poppy pins. I'm happy to report that it passed the climbing, drooling toddler test with flying colors :)


Janna said...

Sweet! Love it. Exactly what the sketchbook was for. You better hide that book the next time I come over or I'm going to steal all your wicked cool ideas.
I guess I should go to church so I can see your designs in person...

Kathi said...

Love the dress and the hairpins. You are so DARN clever. Also like the business cards. May have to order some of those from you this summer. They like giving cards away over here. Mine would be the bestest of all the restest - lol.

P.S. - like the ta ta cover, too - pretty clever. :)

Pamela said...

Absolutely beautiful!! xoxo

-Veronica said...

When are you going on project runway? You are amazing!