Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pack n' Play Sheet Tutorial

It's time for another tutorial! This one is for a pack n' play crib sheet... such a simple thing, yet immensely practical and valuable to anyone with a baby. They are surprisingly easy to make... once you get the hang of it and know what you're doing, you'll be whipping these puppies out in 15 minutes*! I think these things are all made in a standard size (38" x 26"), but you'll have to measure your pack n' play mat to make sure. Deep breath and here we go...

*Disclaimer: In order to accomplish this in 15 minutes, use the "snip and rip" method to cut your pieces and also use a serger. If you don't have a serger, then you can use an overlock stitch on your sewing machine.


1 1/2 yards cotton, pre-washed

Seam Allowance: 1/4 inch (serged or overlock stitch)


Step One: Quite the long materials list, eh? That's why I love this pattern... you don't have to mess with elastic! Ok, it is important to pre-wash your fabric. Otherwise, when your baby poos, pees and spits up on his/her nice new sheet and you go to wash it, it will SHRINK. It would be an utter waste of your 15 minutes. On the other hand, you don't want to sew your sheet too big, because nobody wants a saggy sheet... particularly the American Baby Association. So, do whatever tweaking you need to do in order to get your sheet fitting perfectly snug :)

Cut out your pieces. My preferred fast, and accurate way is the snip and rip method (see video for demonstration in my Ruffle Apron Tutorial). Rip out the large 49"x26.5" piece first. Then rip out two 29"x5.5" pieces for the side panels. I set my pack n' play mat in the back so you can see for comparison.

Step Two: Take your two side panels and serge along one of the long sides on each. The serged end of the side panel will face inward on the back side of your sheet.

Step Three: Line up the tail ends of the side panels and pin them to one short end of your sheet body right sides together. Make sure the serged sides of the side panels face inward. The ends of the side panels are just hanging down, unfinished.

Here is the serged end. It's hard to see the wrong and right sides of the this particular fabric, so I apologize. Make sure to sew everything "right sides" together.

Step Four: Pull the unfinished tail ends of the side panels until they meet with the opposite end of the sheet body that you just serged... this will cause the end to fold in order for those side panels to reach the opposite end. Now pin the side panel ends in place and serge down that side like you did the other side.

Now measure the length to make sure it is 38 inches. Take it in if you need to.

Step Five: Center the side panels. This should create about a 5-inch fold on each side. Pin along the long sides and serge.

Once again, measure to ensure that the width is 26 inches. If not, adjust accordingly.

Step Six: Sike! There is no step six... you're finished! Now turn the sheet right-side out and slip it over you mat. This is the reversed side:

And here is my happy, chubby baby with a ridiculously huge and frilly headband testing it out:

This one's for you, Jacqui
(cute baby not included)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Lego Star Wars Quilt

I have a love/hate relationship with quilting. I am in complete awe of the art of quilting and love to look at quilts. Truly, I could stare at quilts all day, especially ones by Ashley of Film in the Fridge. Check them out... they're like eye candy. Unfortunately, I hate sewing quilts. I lack the patience, and take shortcuts that would make a true quilter cringe (I'll spare you my long list of quilting sins). I prefer projects that I can finish in under 4 hours, and quilting definitely does not fall under that category.

When I made quilts for my girls (here), my son asked me when I was going to make his quilt. His favorite thing in the whole wide world is Lego Star Wars, so behold, "THE LEGO STAR WARS" Quilt. Please don't sue me, George... it would break my 6 year old's heart.

I told Denny that he could choose 3 characters for me to applique on his quilt. He chose an Imperial Guard, Darth Vader, and Jango Fett. Yep, all from the "dark side". This concerned me at first, but if you think about it, all the cool looking characters are bad guys. Take Luke for example... what a pansy. I like how Jango Fett turned out the best... what a stud :)

All I've gotta say is he better like Lego Star Wars until he goes to college, because I don't plan on sewing him another quilt anytime soon. But just in case he grows out of it, he can flip it over.

And matching pillowcases.

Nicest mom ever, I am.